it's been a long long time, i feel depressed, frustrated, lost, and numb. it's caused by alot of problem and pressure by my daily life... here comes this chance.... it released every pain i can feel.... i heals me perfectly and bring back me to LIFE! i must thanks people below: MEIGIE (a.k.a weng mui), SHEILA ( a.k.a chin mui), YUMMY (a.k.a mr NODI), and at last THAM JIEN HUA! we went through a trip of life.... see each others life, share and gain! i love u guys!!! =]
i cherish everysecond be with u guys! and thanks once again for treating me so good! i felt like a brother to u guys! =]
LASTly, i wanna emphasis this, without u guys, i'm nothing but ash!